Youth Ministry

Middle School - High School

CTK Monroe has a youth "ministry." This means that middle and high school students are actively involved in ministry. You will find them caring for one another on Wednesday nights and serving in various areas of our Sunday morning gathering.

We have a great team of volunteers that serve and lead our youth ministry. On Wednesday nights, the youth join with the adults around a meal at 6:30pm, and then break off on their own for small groups where they care, play, and pray.

During summer months, the 6:30pm meal takes place in a park and youth games involve a little more running around.

If you are a teen and would like to have some friends your age that are following Jesus, then you want to meet this crew!
Our youth leaders, from left to right: Lilly, Caleb, Zoe, Isaac
Our youth leaders! From left to right: Lilly, Caleb, Zoe, Isaac